happened, offerings, teaching, technique

8-Week Bartenieff Fundamentals Series


“an approach to basic body training that deals with patterning connections in the body according to principles of efficient movement functioning within a context which encourages personal expression and full psychophysical involvement.” -Peggy Hackney

When & Where: Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm, February 20th thru April 10th in ENS 200 at SDSU

What: In this series, we will embody research of each of the 6 Patterns of Total Body Connectivity through movement, touch and dialogue. Ideas from somatic practices, mindfulness, and Laban Movement Analysis will soften our approach and color our experience.

  • What happens when we consciously practice Breath, Core-Distal, Head-Tail, Upper-Lower, Body-Half, and Cross-Lateral Patterns of Total Body Connectivity? What if we make conscious the ways in which we are already practicing them?

  • If we study babies’ developmental progression in the first year of life, might we remember our own? Can we become acquainted with stages we skipped or rushed through
  • Can movement within these fundamental patterns create support for whatever we are doing in our lives? Can that support be both literal and metaphorical?

Cost: Students: $200, General $275. Please contact Jess at jess@jesshumphrey.com with questions, or click here to register.

Text: Making Connections by Peggy Hackney