We invite you into a week of shared research of dance. We will re-claim, re-imagine, re-gurgitate, re-define and mine ways to practice, make, perform, and behold dancing. You must be 18 to participate. You are not too old. Please come and work with your body as it is.
To register, please email us at:
6/24/13 to 6/29/13 (Thursday off)
Daily Schedule:
9:30-12 Technique(s)
12-2 Eat, Rest, Relate
2-5:30 Dancemaking
6-7 Integration & Recuperation
Everything: sliding scale $250-$350
Technique(s) only: $125
Integration & Recuperation only: $50/$10 drop in
Anya Cloud, Eric Geiger, Jess Humphrey and Leslie Seiters
All part of LIVE, leslie seiters/little known dance theater’s UNICORN, and we teach at universities in San Diego, California (CSUSM, UCSD, & SDSU).
Anya Cloud MFA, is from Alaska and Montana and collaborates extensively across disciplines. Contact improvisation is central to her work. Researching: adaptation, authorship, fantasy, subtlety, endurance, emotions. Born in Homer, Alaska.
Eric Geiger MA, 1st year Feldenkrais practitioner training program. Right now I’m really into allowing the “thing” to arise by simply doing. Researching: performance of identity, states, desire, mysteriousness, disorientation, beauty. Born in Brooklyn, New York.
Jess Humphrey MFA, CLMA, RSME Certified in Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis, Pilates. Studying Body-Mind Centering. Lately, I have been discovering a bit of truth in everything. I am a new mother to Hazel Bee. Both of these happenings have me interested in rest and recuperation. Researching: practice, relationships, performance, somatics, wellness, stakes, learning, integration. Born in Pasadena, California.
Leslie Seiters MFA, 1st year Feldenkrais practitioner training program. As teacher, artist, dancer, performer, person my recurring theme is simply listening. Researching: animal, performance, touch, duration, minutia, contradiction. Researching: animal, performance, touch, duration, minutia, contradiction. Born in Sewanee, Tennessee.
Questions guiding our research:
Can technique class be a context where we practice what we want to have available to us In performance? In life?
What is recuperative?
Magic. How do we stay out of her way?
How do we dance forever?
What if dance is how we practice relationship?
What if leaving it continues it?
What’s at stake and are we willing to lose? Lose something? Be a loser?
Can dropping down, dropping in, dropping out ground us?
Can we be magnificent without grasping (literally and figuratively) for magnificence?
How does rest influence embodied learning?
How do we allow the work to work itself out?
Can practices that bring forth the parasympathetic nervous system allow for a more rigorous study of dance? What is rigor?
How can (and why should) we increase our qualitative range?
How do we make space for gestation within/during/throughout the creative process?
What if the dance is problematic, provocative and incomplete? Are we making such dances or do we just think we are? Are we willing to?
What are the qualities of our attention?
What are we wearing?
How do we make space for gestation within/during/throughout the creative process?
What are traditionally or historically valued qualities in dance? What happens if we honor, add to, rebel against this list of values?
How do we talk/not talk about what happened? How does this influence experience, memory, what comes next?
Who authors the human body?
Can we pay attention to many things all at once?
What are the qualities of our attention?
Can we see while being seen?
Can we be while being beheld?
Can we listen?
When does dancing become a dance?
What is the value of getting lost?
What if this is what we are training for?
What is worth making? What isn’t?
Thank you to our instructors, influences, inspiration…
Phillip Adams Chris Aiken Carol Ammons Wes Anderson Michelle Antonioli Terry Dean Bartlett Kristen Baum Wilcox Adrian Bean Greg Begley Elizabeth Beringer Eliana Bonard Nicole Bradley Browning Charlene Campbell Wally Cardona Teri Carter Ray Chung Liam Clancy Karen Clippinger Henry Cloud Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen Jane Comfort Juliette Crump Jess Curtis Della Davidson John Dixon David Dorfman Irene Dowd Jan Eckert Heidi Eggert Kim Epifano Lee Su Fe Florin Fieroiu Sarah Gamblin Pamela Geber Brian Gerke Joe Goode Ed Groff Miguel Gutierrez Peggy Hackney Anna Halprin Julyen Hamilton Eric Handman Andrew Harwood Deborah Hay Keith Hennessy Kathleen Hermesdorf K.J. Holmes Kathryn Irey Rael Isacowitz John Jasperse Keith Johnson Bill T. Jones Eva Karczag Karen Kauffman Martin Keogh Cyrus Khambatta Aiko Kinoshita Susan Klein Ellie Klopp Jo Kreiter Stephen Koester Daniel Lepkoff Nita Little Madonna Barbara Mahler Sara Shelton Mann Susan Marshall Nina Martin Amy Matthews Janice Meaden Eduardo Mercado Nancy McCaleb Marjean McKenna Susan McLain Laural Wall-Mclane Jes Mullette Bebe Miller Karen Nelson K.T. Niehoff Tere O’Conner Sara Pearson Guillermo Gomez-Pena Stephen Petronio Kristi Topham Petty Diego Pinon Kathryn Posin Amy Ragsdale Yvonne Rainer Mary Reich Wendy Rogers Kitty Sailer Rebecca Salzer Karen Schaffman Susan Schell Pam Shick Nana Shineflug Nancy Stark Smith Yolande Snaith Brad Stoller Carol Swann Cristina Turdo Antonietta Vicario Jeremy Wade Barbara Walczak Scott Wells Patrik Widrig Christine Wright